October 2024
October 9 2024 Booster Meeting
Attendees: Stephanie Shimp-Taylor, Rebecca Nelson, Angela Demagalski, Christa White, Adrianne Gamache, Jen Cooper, Colleen Graham, Jamie Lentz, Jessica McCarthy, Anna Weaver, Courtney Stewart, Tiffany Claeys, Angela Bennett, Jennifer Bell, Stacy Ahlberg, Jillian Coel, Suzy Lovelady, Jeanelle Vinson, Michelle Harnish, Hannah Jones, Zoe Godsey, Amy Johnston, Allie Henderson.
Meeting Started At: 6:33PM
Mrs. Godsey: 3rd grade teacher, runs Oregon Battle of the Books (14th year running it at Patterson). 35 people are currently signed up. The first meeting is next week. Charm bracelets were started a year or two ago. Kids read 16 books. Charms are a little expensive. She was told maybe the Boosters would be able to help fund. $212 cost, with $35 for additional. 32 books each. Is able to reuse some of the charms from the past. The $212 includes the use of the charms she currently has, the amount needed to purchase, and the amount for any replacements/additions to the charms she has from the past.
Parents are the biggest donors. May need extra bracelets but those are not included in this ask. Some students are returning who already have the bracelets, though some lose theirs over the summer. They wear them all year proudly. There is a 3rd grade Instagram account. OBOB is on Tuesdays starting next week. Next week is the informational no-strings-attached meeting.
Stephanie to reach out later to let her know.
Discussion: Any clarifying questions or thoughts from the parents. Total is around $270.
Review of how approval works. We have a discussion. One person needs to make a motion. A second is needed. A vote is taken.
Allie: Do we have it in our budget?
Colleen: We left a placeholder in. She is the third to come in and talk about clubs. We have the money.
Jeanelle made the initial motion, Allie seconded. It was unanimously approved.
Panther Dash: So far from Pledgestar (not counting any money from the envelopes, matching donations, or funds left to come in): We are at $32,789. Monday is the last day to turn in money. Nothing turned in after will count toward prizes.
187 participants this year which is up from last year. Any ideas to increase participation are welcome. Our goal is to beat the 2019 amount of $37,442. There will be another reminder for students to turn in envelopes on the 14th.
What time will the cut-off be for Pledgestar? Before Stephanie goes to bed on the 14th.
Jamie to do a robocall on Friday night at 6 PM and to put it in the family update. Will talk to the teachers about checking with all of the kids. Counting is being done that Tuesday.
Is there somewhere where it says someone’s check has been sent in?
There is a spot for it to be marked on Pledgestar.
Colleen to look for a check for Sarah Walters. For Levi and Owen Johnson.
The limo lunch has been figured out for the 1st and 2nd graders.
Everybody Loves PE is November 2nd
There will be more info on the other prizes once everything has been tallied.
Would we like to be on Morning Announcements in September to show the prizes? It would be powerful for kids.
Restaurant Nights:
Red Robin raised $132
Next is Panda Express on October 22nd all day long at the Sunset Esplanade.
They tend to do better when attached to something. Jamie suggests after-school programs. Jamie will let Mr. Kreisher know to get it on the morning announcements. Feedback about mentioning there is a take-out option.
November 6th is Chipotle 4-8 PM the one by the airport and a take out option is available.
T-Shirt Order Forms due October 18th. Reach out if you would like to try on the sizes at the portable.
At the Embassy Suites in Hillsboro. Items auctioned from all over the state. The themes up for voting this year are: Tropical or Game-Night. Both may have an activity with them. Jamie sent out an email today. There is a link to the Google form to vote as well as a save the date. The auction is March 7th. Committee help is always needed. Allie and Jen are running the auction. Stacy will be the second co-chair. After Allie leaves, Jen and Stacy will be running the auction. Theme, decor, the food, and organization are things that the committee does as well as getting donations. The goal to earn from the auction this year is $10,000. The next meeting will be in January after the first of the year. This time of year is harder to get donations, so the asks are on hold until after the first of the year. Thursday January 9th at 6:30 PM. Heavier planning will take place at that point. Any ideas between now and then can be emailed to the auction email or Stephanie’s email. There will be a discounted hotel room night as well. Via the polling, Game Night is in the lead so far.
Upcoming Events:
October 25th Movie Night: Showing Inside Out 2. The doors open at 6, the movie starts at 6:30 P.M. We can get an image to Jamie to put in the update. Adrienne will get something to put in the display case. We will have pizza and pre-ordering will be available. We will have the concessions. All of the details will be ironed out by the 25th.
Bingo Night is November 15th from 6PM-8PM. Doors open at 5PM. People can come in and buy bingo boards for the night. Pre-ordering for boards will be available. Moving away from Venmo, but square will be available. Will be offering pizza and other concessions. Jamie to ensure a projector is ready in case we need to cast on both sides.
Next Booster Club Meeting is November 13th.
Treasurer Report:
- The taxes were completed and accepted.
- The class funds were broken out by grade and teacher. All teachers have their budgets and have started to use their funds.
- Have beaten last year’s income for Panther Dash.
- School-wide project cost a little more than budgeted for (The tie-dye shirts for Panther Dash).
- Spirit Wear: Money is coming in for that.
- Discussion came up regarding changing the color of the shirts. The nice thing about keeping the logo is that Patterson families who can’t afford new logos still have shirts that work for multiple years.
- Next year is Patterson’s 25th year. Jamie brought up doing a special design for that year.
- We need to make sure we advertise extended sizes.
Mrs. Lentz:
Calendar Slide deck presentation:
HSD has a calendar planning committee. Feedback and input is being taken. This will be shared here as well as at tech night. It can only be submitted once. Additional feedback can be sent either to Jaime or HR.
One year or two years worth of calendars
Pre-Labor Day or Post-Labor Day start
- Provide history of US school calendars, a national perspective and local district trends.
- Solicit varied feedback from our diverse HSD community to gather information regarding the possibility of shifting the calendar to a Pre-Labor Day start to the school year and end the year earlier in June.
- Community feedback will be vital in determining a recommendation for the School Board.
History and Facts of US SChool Calendars
- Historically designed an agrarian society based on what we needed to harvest
- Most students attend school 180 days of the year
- School schedules have typically been a Monday to Friday
- Schools started after Labor Day up until the 1980s, then began to shift to starting in August due to changing the educational priorities, economic factors, maximize instructional time, align academic schedules and global competitiveness.
- Year round school schedules became popular in the 1990s, and then less popular.
- Generally the US school calendar has been built off the high school schedule to accommodate athletics, activities, and high school grades.
- Since U.S. High School affects the future of students due to grades, and sports are an important part of the community, high schools have started in August.
-To align the end of the semester in December.
-Address attendance issues in June.
-Accommodate annual state and collegiate testing
-Allows athletics to hold additional practices before competing with other schools.
Graph of Oregon districts showing the diverse starts, some starting pre-Labor day and some doing post.
Graph showing the variance in School Return Dates by region.
Slide with the survey code.
Will Thanksgiving change from being a whole week off? Unknown. It is something that has been well-received from talk with colleagues and other parents though no survey has been taken.
When is this getting voted on or decided? Typically in the spring. Sent to the board in February or March. It will be approved or not approved. Some revisions may be needed.
Can the slide deck be shared? Jamie to ask.
Any questions to add to the Q&A to the calendar team: Would the age for the cut-off change? Right now you have to be 5 by September 1st. There is a state law for early entry. If they are ready based on the evaluation then they could go. It would be the state who sets the law for age cut-off, that isn’t set at a district level.
Would the opinion be weighted more in favor of the people with kids in elementary school based on the volume or percentage of attendees?
Will the results of this be published?
Watch DOGS. “Dads of Great Students”. Designed to get more positive male role models in schools. 3 dads have agreed to be in it and help launch it. Launch event will be the Friday of November 7th or 8th. There will be pizza and a call to action. There will be computers set up to help get them in the volunteer system. Come to arrival and give high fives. Starting with arrival and dismissal.
Will there be opportunities for dads who can not be there for arrival and dismissal? The hope is they can help with other events.
The foam finger can be ordered online.