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Patterson Booster Club is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit and our tax ID: 93-1307592

Many local employers of our parents have programs that donate money to schools (or other non profit organizations) based on the monetary donations or volunteer hours that the employee gave to the organization. Please investigate if your employer offers either of these programs.

Employer Matching

Some employers match monetary donations.  In order to take advantage of this matching, there is a verification process.  The employee must declare their contribution to the employer then the Patterson Booster Club verifies to the company that we did indeed receive the donation.  The two most common methods are a paper form (submitted with your donation) or online submission.  Below are instructions to submit your donations to Intel and Nike.  If your matching funds are from a different company, please contact them for instructions.


At Intel, the minimum gift that will be matched by the Intel Foundation is $25. Matching Gift requests for gifts of less than $25 will be denied and will not be matched by the Intel Foundation. All gifts will be matched at a rate of 50% f the donation up to a maximum of $5,000 paid by the Foundation per employee/director/retiree (spouse's gifts are combined as part of this capped amount) per year. For example, if you donate $20, there will be no matching granted. If you donate $25, Intel will grant us $12.50 in matching funds. Intel Volunteer Matching details.

To declare your contribution with Intel, follow the steps below:

  1. Intel employees log into:
  2. Select Patterson Booster Club...
    1. 0002334
    2. Paul Patterson Elementary Booster Club
    3. Hillsboro, OR
    4. Education K-12
  3. Please note: there is also a choice for Patterson Elementary, but for Panther Dash donations, please choose the booster club instead.
  4. Enter your donation amount
  5. Submit
