November 18, 2019 - Email your photo(s) and stories to Check back each week for more entries displayed here! Click here to read more photo contest details.
Entry #7 submitted by Zarita Davis, Special Education Assistant, Rosedale Elementary School: "This was taken at the end of last year. It was an honor to be asked to present these awards to these kids and contribute to making this a very memorable day for them. We handed out dozens of Reading Awards that day. It never gets old seeing the joy of kids faces when you take the time to recognize their hard work and accomplishments. This program has been great for our school. Thanks to Rhonda Powell and her myriads of volunteers."
Entry #6 submitted by Michelle Chen, student at Glencoe High School: "Being the most enthusiastic and kind spirit that she is, Ms. Pearson deserves to be recognized for her wondrous work, not only as a teacher but as a person. She encourages her students to be their authentic selves and just try their best, all the while being unapologetically herself. She makes class fun and easy to understand, enriching her student’s knowledge in psychology. What did we (her 250+ students this year alone) do to deserve her? Hard to say, but her impact reaches further than just her students. She has a specific zing that can't be found anywhere else, which is totally why Ms. Pearson deserves to be recognized for being the glorious Cherub Wrangler that she is."
Publicación #4 presentada por Michelle Chen, estudiante de la Escuela Preparatoria Glencoe: La Srta. Pearson enseña Psicología y AP Psicología, pero los estudiantes dicen que su impacto positivo llega más allá de su salón de clases. "Ella tiene un toque específico que no se puede encontrar en ningún otro lugar", explican, "por lo que la Srta. Pearson merece ser reconocida por ser la gloriosa gran ángel vaquera que es".
Entry #5 submitted by Jason Baca, Science Teacher, Century High School: "Here is the Century High School Senior AVID students who were accepted into Portland State. Jason Baca and June Gerst are the teachers of these AVID classes. Says Jason, "AVID is the reason I teach. These students have had many struggles in the last four years but have always shown a commitment to college readiness and are seeing their hard work pay off. Most are first generation college students."
Entry #4 submitted by Mason Wright, Language Arts Teacher, Century High School: "These are pictures of my AVID 10 Elective Classes. These students have committed to their dreams of college readiness and inspire me daily to be the best educator I can be. Their stories, their drive, their compassion reminds me that even when I worry about the future of our country, we are in amazingly capable hands with young leaders like these kids. The AVID Program and my AVID students encompass everything I love about education. These students are super stars and I am so thankful to support them on their college readiness journeys."
Publicación #4 presentada por el maestro de AVID, Mason Wright de la Escuela Preparatoria Century: El maestro dio la vuelta al guión del concurso al enviar una fotografía de su clase electiva AVID 10. Él declaró: “Estos estudiantes se han comprometido con sus sueños de preparación para la universidad y me inspiran cada día para ser el mejor educador que pueda ser.”
Entry #3 submitted by Breeana Farrar, Liberty High 11th grade: "My favorite teacher/ Educator that is one of the greatest has to be Jenae Gregory from South Meadows Middle School. I am a Junior in high school now going to Liberty but, she was my 7th grade and 8th grade middle school teacher. She has taught me so much in the Math field and my overall life. She has also made a huge impact in my life to many others with her positive quotes and her amazing set up in her classroom. Ms. Gregory is an awesome teacher I will never forget about. I loved helping her. This photo was from almost 5 years ago!"
Publicación #3 presentada por Breeana Farrar, 11mo grado de Liberty: Mi maestra/educadora favorita que es una de las mejores tiene que ser Jenae Gregory de la Escuela Secundaria South Meadows. Soy una estudiante junior en la escuela preparatoria que actualmente asiste a Liberty, pero ella fue mi maestra de séptimo y octavo grado en la escuela secundaria. Ella me ha enseñado mucho en el campo de las matemáticas y mi vida en general. También ha tenido un gran impacto en mi vida y en la de muchos otros con sus frases positivas y su increíble manera de organizar su salón de clases. La maestra Gregory es una maestra increíble que nunca la olvidaré. Me encantó ayudarla. ¡Esta foto fue de hace casi 5 años!
Entry #2 submitted by Kristin Volk, Patterson 1st grade teacher: "I started in the late 70's as a kinder at Brookwood Elementary. Eventually moving on to JB Thomas and then graduating from Hilhi in 1991. I then did my student teaching in HSD and was hired in 1997. When I was six years old, I use to gather the neighborhood kids and wrangle them to my playroom to play "school." I spent most of my allowance at the teacher store buying supplies such as correcting pens, smelling stickers, and colored paper. I would then get all the unused dittos from my teachers so the kids had work to do. I knew one day that I would teach. As I began my 23rd year of teaching in HSD this year, it was only fitting that I have a lunch date to thank the women who were so instrumental in my decision to be a teacher. This is one of my favorite sayings...Truly great teachers are hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget. I have attached a picture of all of us this summer at the Reserve Golf Club. Mrs. Derrah (1st Grade) and Mrs. Rueck (3rd Grade) Brookwood Elementary."
Publicación #2 presentada por Kristin Volk, maestra de 1er grado en Patterson: Comencé a finales de los años 70 como estudiante de kínder en la primaria Brookwood. Después, asistí a JB Thomas y luego me gradué de Hilhi en 1991. Luego, hice mis prácticas didácticas en HSD y fui contratada en 1997. Cuando tenía seis años, solía reunir a los niños del vecindario y llevarlos a mi sala de juegos para jugar a la “escuelita”. Gasté la mayor parte de mi dinero en la tienda para maestros comprando útiles escolares tales como bolígrafos correctores, calcomanías de olor y papel de colores. También recogía todos los trabajos no utilizados de mis maestros para que los niños tuvieran trabajo que hacer. Supe un día que iba a enseñar. Cuando comencé mi 23er año de enseñanza en HSD este año, era apropiado que tuviera una cita para almorzar para agradecer a las mujeres que fueron muy importantes en mi decisión de ser maestra. Este es uno de mis dichos favoritos... Los maestros verdaderamente buenos son difíciles de encontrar, difíciles de dejar e imposibles de olvidar. He adjuntado una foto de todas nosotras este verano cuando estábamos en Reserve Golf Club. La Sra. Derrah (1er grado) y Sra. Rueck (3er grado) de la Escuela Primaria Brookwood.
Entry #1 submitted by Claire Tessier, North Plains parent: "This photo was taken at the end of the year. My daughter’s name is Claudia Tessier. My observation was that Mrs. Ravins inspired her to push herself to reach her goal of qualifying for TAG. I asked Claudia what she would say and she wrote,'Mrs. Ravins was a good teacher because she has a sense of humor. She made the class laugh. It is a good trait for a teacher to have because it can make everyone less stressed.' “
Publicación #1 presentada por Claudia Tessier, mamá en North Plains: Esta foto se tomó a finales del año pasado. Mi hija se llama Claudia Tessier. Mi observación fue que la Sra. Ravins la inspiró a esforzarse para alcanzar su meta de elegibilidad para TAG. Le pregunté a Claudia qué diría y ella escribió: “La Sra. Ravins fue una buena maestra porque tiene un buen sentido del humor. Ella hacía reír a la clase. Ese es un buen rasgo para un maestro porque puede lograr que todos estén menos estresados”.